A previous post has referred to the plenary papers to be presented at the RefoRC Conference to be held at Zurich 8-10 June 2011. The following is a list of the short papers to be presented at this conference.
Isabelle Graesslé (Geneva): The Small Leading Mythologies about Reformation: The Experience of the International Museum of the Reformation
Karin Maag (Grand Rapids): The Advantages of Being under Threat: Geneva and the Myth of the Escalade, December 1602
Jakub Koryl (Krakow): “Renascentia”and “Reformation” – between Myth and Reality: In Search of Their Different Meanings
Patrizio Foresta (Bologna): Short Presentation of the Fifth Volume of the Series “conciliorum oecumenicorum generaliumque decreta,” Edited by the Fondazione per le scienze religiose Giovanni XXIII Bologna
Rebecca Giselbrecht (Zurich): Demythologizing Women in the Zurich Reformation: Comparing Margaretha Hottinger and Anna Reinhart
Sabine Hiebsch (Amsterdam): Das Herz als Zentralbegriff der Glaubenserfahrung bei Martin Luther
Stephan Bernard Marti (Fribourg): Die Grosse Europäische Reformation: Luther (1483-1546) und Las Casa (1484-1566)
Daniël Timmerman (Apeldoorn): Between Rhetoric and Prophecy: The Development of Heinrich Bullinger’s Concept of Church Ministry (up to 1532)
Max Engammare (Geneva): Models of Preaching in Reformed Switzerland: Comparison of Three Models Known or Used in Geneva, Zurich and Basle
Rainer Kobe (Trier): Die Confessio des Thomas von Imbroich, Niederrheinisch/Kölnischer Täufer und Märtyrer
Monique Weis (Brussels): Samuel Pufendorf and the Reformation: A German Contribution to European History?
Anna Vind (Copenhagen): Visibility and Invisibility in Luther’s Theology
Rasmus H.C. Dreyer (Copenhagen): Hans Tausen and His Apologia for Luther
Michael Baumann (Zurich): Das Vermiglibild im Lauf der Geschichte
Philipp Wälchli (Zurich): “Wie die Teufel das Weihwasser…” – Zum Mythos des (nicht vorhandenen?) reformierten Kirchenrechts anhand der Kirchenordnungan von Zürich und Basel
Ueli Zahnd (Freiburg i. Br.): John Moir and the Late Scholastic Background of the Young Calvin’s Doctrine of the Soul
Arnold Huijgen (Apeldoorn): Divine Accommodation in Calvin: Myth and Reality
Aurelia A Garcia Archilla (Puerto Rico): Non multos: Patterns of Conversion or State Sponsorship? Correlation of the Reformation with Early Christianity and Contemporary Evangelical Conversionism
John R. Slotemaker (Boston): “Let us make man in our image”: The Imago Trinitatis in Early Reformed Theology
Friedhelm Haas (Baden-Baden): Verdient die englische Reformation wirklich ihren Namen?
Ian Hazlett (Glasgow): Maintaining Religious conformity in Sixteenth-Century Royal Hungary: A Case Study of Seven Carpathian Mining Towns
Jan-Andrea Bernhard (Castrisch/Zurich): Historigraphie und Realität: Die Anfänge der Reformation in Ungarn
E.A. de Boer (Kampen): John Calvin’s Institutio 1536: Reformed or Catholic?
Ernst Gouda (Apeldoorn): The Sources of Calvin’s Commentary on the Psalms
Michael Choptiany (Krakow): Monis Ramista est Calvinista: On Peter Ramus’ Attitude towards Calvinism. Is it True, that, as Hippolytus Hubmeyer Observed, “Every Ramist is a Calvinist”?
Ninna Jørgensen (Copenhagen): Das Vaterunser von Katharina Schütz-Zell im Rahmen zeitgenössischer Laientheologie
Paul Roberts (Louisville): Pierre Viret and the Politics of Piety
Christine Christ-von Wedel (Basel): Bilderverbot und Bibelillustrationen in reformierten Zürich
Andreas Mühling (Trier): Caspar Olevian als Schüler Bullingers und Calvins
Bjoern Ole Hovda (Oslo): “Worse than the Papists” – The Controversy Over the Lord’s Supper in Danzing (Gdansk) 1561-1567: Presence and Practice – Theology and Confessional Politics
Jon Balserak (Bristol): Calvin’s Aggression towards Rome and the French Wars of Religion: “We, Therefore, Are Able Boldly to Overthrow the Whole of the Papacy” (on Malachi 2:4)
Antje J.Gornig/Insa Christiane Hennen (Wittenberg): Das ernestinische Wittenberg 1486-1547
Martin Schneider (Bretten): Von Wittenberg nach Eropa – Melanchthons Beitrag zu Vermittlung und Konsolidierung reformatorishcer Lehre
Hendrik Klinge (Göttingen): Tractus christo-philosophicus: Jacob Schegks christologischer Entwurf von 1565
Erich Bryner (Zürich): Die Reformation in Schaffhausen und ihre Besonderheiten
Jordan Ballor (Grand Rapids): The Reformation of Law, Politics, and Society, Including “The Reformational Roots of subsidiarity”
David Sytsma (Princeton): Richard Baxter on the Foundations of Natural Law Contra Hobbes and Spinoz
Christian Scheidegger (Zurich): Eine frühe Polemik gegen die Zürcher Täufer
Andreas Pietsch (Münster): The Radical Reformation Revisited – or, How Protestant was the “Family of Love”?
Jon O. Flæten (Oslo): Heinrich Suso’s Letter to a Dying Nun
Sivert Angel (Oslo): Death as a Teacher in the Late Middle Ages and after the Reformation: Souso’s Büchlein der ewige Weisheit and 16th Century Lutheran Funeral Sermons
Wim François (Leuven): Jacob van Liesvelt Beheaded because of His 1542 Bible: Myths and Facts
Els Agten (Leuven): Francisco de Enzinas, a Reformed Spanish Humanist with a Vernacular Dream: A Spanish Translation of the Bible
Todd Rester (Grand Rapids): Divine Law, Natural law, and Human Reason: Adumbrations of Subsidiarity in Franciscus Junius’ De Politiae Mosis Observatione?
Frank de Pol (Kampen): “Reformation” and”Reformers”: A 17th-Century Approach. The Profile and Use of Two Fundamental Concepts in the Works of a Dutch Reformed Pietis
Frank Ewerszumrode (Mainz): Die Abendmahlslehre der Confessio Genevensis und des Consensus Tigurinus im Vergleich
Gordon D. Raeburn (Durham): Ritualized and Spontaneous Grief at Funerals in Reformation Scotland
Kristin Bliksrud Aavitsland (Oslo): Visualizing the Art of Dying in Early Protestant Scandinavia
Eivor A. Oftestad (Oslo): The “Sisters of Rachel”: Early Protestant Funeral Sermons and the Female Art of Dying
Vilet Soen (Leuven): A Spanish Inquisition in the Low Countries (1520-1580)? Myths and Facts
Gert Gielis (Leuven): ‘Ad religionem instaurandam’: Leuven Theologians and the Reformation of the Catholic Church in the Netherlands (1550-1580)
Urs Leu (Zurich): Mythen und Fakten zum Schweizer Buchdruck des 16. Jahrhunderts – Neue Erkenntnisse aufgrund des Digitalisierungsprojekts e-rara
Reinhard Bodemann/Martin Böger (Zurich): Eine topogrphisch neu angelegte Bibliographie der Pfarrerbücher
Martin Wangsgaard Jürgensen (Copenhagen): The Arts and Lutheran Praxis Pietatis I
Sven Rune Havsteen (Copenhagen): The Arts and Lutheran Praxis Pietatis II
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